Musicians of the Calouste Gulbenkian Conservatoire, unite in a solidarity concert in aid of Portugal-UK 650 charity project that helps disadvantaged children in India
Friday, March 10th, at 21:30, in Braga
Around 100 students from the Calouste Gulbenkian Conservatoire of Music in Braga will gather on stage this Friday for a solidarity concert, as part of a project by ANDI – Associação Novo Diálogo, in collaboration with the Portugal- UK 650, which aims to help disadvantaged children and those at risk of social exclusion in the Kandhamal region of India.
The event, which includes the participation of the 2nd cycle string orchestra, the 2nd and 3rd cycle choirs and supplementary groups from the Calouste Gulbenkian Music Conservatory in Braga, is scheduled for 9.30 pm and will take place at the Adelina Caravana Auditorium, on the premises of institution.
Tickets can be purchased at the entrance of the Conservatory and have a unit cost of €2.00. All the funds raised will go towards ANDI – New Dialogue Organization, namely for the school created by ANDI in 2019, in Kandhamal, one of the poorest regions of India. The aim is to reduce school dropout rates and increase the quality of life for children, their families and their villages.
One of the objectives of the Portugal-UK 650 celebrations, a partner in this project, is to promote the values of the founding Treaty of the Luso-British Alliance in today’s world – peace, friendship, truth, fidelity, constancy, solidarity, sincerity and kindness – “.. .there shall henceforth be true, faithful, constant, mutual and perpetual peace and friendship, union and alliance and league of sincere affection” (Article I, Treaty of Alliance, London 16 June 1373) – appealing to the responsibility and commitment of each .
And, in this sense, Maria João Rodrigues de Araújo, the president of Portugal-UK 650 explains that “we are promoting this initiative in support the Kandhamal project to encourage children and young people, through art and their talent, to be able to contribute to improving the quality of life of other vulnerable children. And that encourages us, as we know that we are contributing to fostering these principles of solidarity and raising awareness about the problems of today’s world”.
The realization of this concert follows the participation of the Educational Community of the Calouste Gulbenkian Conservatoire of Music in Braga in the celebrations of the 650th anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance, which will take place between 2022 and 2023, between Portugal and the United Kingdom. The poster for the Solidarity Concert was created by a 12-year-old Conservatoire student, who also made a film about ANDI – Associação Novo Diálogo and the Kandhamal Project (
About Portugal-UK 650
Portugal-UK 650 is the initiative responsible for commemorating the 650th anniversary of the Portuguese-British Alliance in Portugal and the United Kingdom.
Awarded with the two highest seals of Portugal and the United Kingdom, the High Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic and the Royal Patronage of His Majesty King Carlos III, the Portugal-UK 650 initiative aims to celebrate and make known the common history, write new chapters of friendship, cooperation and trade, develop scientific research on the Luso-British Alliance, and promote the values of the Alliance’s founding Treaty in today’s world – peace, friendship, truth, fidelity, constancy, solidarity, sincerity and kindness
“…there shall henceforth be true, faithful, constant, mutual and perpetual peace and friendship, union and alliance and league of sincere affection” (Article I, Treaty of Alliance, London 16 June 1373) – calling for responsibility and commitment of each.
In the long term, Portugal-UK 650 hopes to contribute to a safer and more fraternal society, with greater knowledge of its historical and cultural heritage, more international solidarity and a strengthened dialogue, cooperation and friendship between the citizens of both countries.
In addition to celebrating the most important dates – the 650th anniversary of the Treaty of Tagilde (July 10, 2022) and the Treaty of London (June 16, 2023) – the Commemorations include a number of other initiatives, in 2022 and 2023 , in partnership with more than 170 Portuguese and British institutions, in the fields of research, education, culture, commerce, cooperation, military and social matters. To date, around 165 activities have taken place in both countries.
The program for the celebrations of the 650th anniversary of the Luso-British Alliance can be consulted on the website, as well as on the initiative’s social networks.
About ANDI – New Dialogue Organization
ANDI – New Dialogue Organiztion is a non-profit, non-denominational, apolitical organization recognized by the United Nations, founded in 1996.
Objectives: To promote and form in the values of Human Rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, in particular, those of children; develop in young people empathy, solidarity and respect for people, these being the conditions for life in society and social peace; Children are motivated to be agents of social change by participating in both training and solidarity activities.
ANDI has received several recognitions throughout its history, by prestigious international organizations such as the United Nations, as well as by national and local authorities. It has been recognized as an organization of high social value, as a beneficiary of the Social Patronage (distinction from the Government of Navarra, Spain) and has received subsidies from public authorities in several countries.
ANDI has expanded its Activities and Projects all over the world and is now present on five continents.
For information on Portugal-UK 650, p.f. contact:
Maria João Quintela | + 351 927 638 943 |