Webinar: “Do Rossio à City: Diáspora sefardita e relações luso-britânicas na primeira metade do século XVIII”
22 April 15h às 16h
Speaker: Carla Vieira, Researcher of CHAM, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidade Nova de Lisboa e of Chair of Sefradite Studies Alberto Benveniste, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa
Discusssant: Alexandra M. Rodrigues Araújo,  JusGov, Escola de Direito, Universidade do Minho
You can register to attend here!
This webinar is part of a cycle of seminars about the Anglo-Portuguese relations. The speakers are researchers of the project “The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: taking stock of the past and envisioning the future” and special guests.
These webinars aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Anglo-Portuguese alliance past and present, and to envision its future. They will initiate discussions on a number of topics that will be expanded in the Interdisciplinary Conference 650th anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese alliance, to be held 6-9 July 2022, at University of Minho.
Scientific Coordinator: Alexandra M. Rodrigues Araújo | João Sérgio Ribeiro

The event is finished.